I have created a relationship between my custom posts Work and Talent using Advanced Custom Fields.

I am currently showing posts from Talent on my work pages with the following posts:


                    $artist = get_field('artist');

                    <?php if( $artist ): ?>
                        <?php foreach( $artist as $artist ): ?>
                                <a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $artist->ID ); ?>">
                                    <?php echo get_the_title( $artist->ID ); ?>

                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>

However I would like to be able to show/pull-through a field that is in my artist sections on my work pages. I have tried doing the below but it doesnt work:


                    $artist = get_field('artist');

                    <?php if( $artist ): ?>
                        <?php foreach( $artist as $artist ): ?>
                                <a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $artist->ID ); ?>">
                                    <?php echo get_the_title( $artist->ID ); ?>

                                <?php the_field( 'artist_summary' ); ?>
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>

1 Answer 1


Try adding artist ID as the second parameter in the_field(), like so:

<?php the_field('artist_summary', $artist->ID); ?>



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