I want to exclude a specific category from the loop, here's what I tried:
Original code:
// auto posts by cat
if( $bawmrp_options['auto_posts'] == 'cat' || $bawmrp_options['auto_posts'] == 'both' ):
$cat = get_the_category( $post->ID );
$cat_ids = wp_list_pluck( $cat, 'term_id' );
$args['category'] = implode( ',', $cat_ids );
My try:
// auto posts by cat
if( $bawmrp_options['auto_posts'] == 'cat' || $bawmrp_options['auto_posts'] == 'both' ):
$cat = get_the_category( $post->ID );
if ($cat->cat_ID != '68') :
$cat_ids = wp_list_pluck( $cat, 'term_id' );
$args['category'] = implode( ',', $cat_ids );
In my code I tried to exclude the category 68, but actually the best thing would be if the category has children, then it don't enter in the loop, only it's children
is an array so$cat->cat_ID
will not work. Was there no error encountered in the above code>