I have a simple question!
I'm showing the WP categories with this code :
array (
'orderby' => 'name',
// ID of the already selected category:
'selected' => 4,
// If no category is selected:
'show_option_none' => 'Choose one'
Problem is that how can i list every category that have post or not. specially the code just shows the categories that have post , but i want to show ALL categories .
How can i change that code ?
ALso , it's important to get the HTML output like this :
<select name='cat' id='cat' class='postform' >
<option value='-1'>Choose one</option>
<option class="level-0" value="4" selected="selected">Animals</option>
<option class="level-0" value="6">Hyperbolica</option>
<option class="level-0" value="5">Nonsense</option>
<option class="level-0" value="1">Uncategorized</option>