I have four categories:
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
These categories contain posts that are also categorized
- Cat A
- Cat B
- Cat C
So basically there's a bunch of posts that are categorized (2013, Cat A), (2013, Cat B), (2012, Cat A), (2012, Cat C), etc
Without having to add Cat A, Cat B and Cat C as four sets of child categories under 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 is there a way that I can programmatically list those unique subcats with posts under each year so that they list as:
- 2013
- Cat A
- Cat B
- Cat C
- 2012
- Cat A
- Cat B
- Cat C
- 2011
- Cat A
- Cat B
- Cat C
- 2010
- Cat A
- Cat B
- Cat C
AND have those subcats link to their respective category page?