So I have a plugin, and i want to have a multiselect drop-down list with all categories in widget's settings and store (by admin's choice) selected ones (ids).
Then to check if we are viewing a post "is_single()" and the post has some of the above selected categories "in_category("3") (say we chose cat:Logo with id:3):
if(is_single() && in_category("3")){//do my thing}
and ofcourse if user chose more than 1, say (3,5,6 cat ids(by their names click)) the codition would be something like:
if(is_single() && in_category($categoryholderfromdb)){//do my thing}
Where $categoryholderfromdb="3,5,6" (stored user choices in db (widget settings drop-down))
i've tried to do it, but i can't figure out the part with drop-down multiselect and then "in_category" when checking for multy values.
Can anyone give me example of the above question?Thanks!