I have to build a custom functionality based on custom fields.
I have a sidebar that displays a blockquote testimonial. At the moment this is achieved by giving a post a category of block quote. But the customer wants to make it more user friendly by adding a field for the title, the quote and an author. I can do this by adding custom meta boxes and using the post meta data. But they also want to be able to choose the page it will be displayed on.
Currently the block quote is a template part, and is called via a conditional in various template files. So it is not known in advance the pages it will appear as content grows and different pages are added.
I will need a select box in the post edit screen that has been auto populated with all the current pages that display a block quote. But I am at a loss how to populate this select box as its not known in advance which pages end up with a block quote on them.
I was thinking about finding a way to every time a page displays the block quote this info is logged and then used to populate the select box, but I am not that great with custom php, I am a front end Dev that is learning how to build WordPress back end. I have good HTML CSS JavaScript, but my php knowledge is limited to simple conditionals and the custom functions of WordPress.
I assume this will be hooking into a filter somewhere but I can't see where.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.