i'm using the PHOTO ALBUM plugin for wordpress and I would like to disable the lighbox effects - meaning, i just want to show the thumbnails...

is that even possible?


1 Answer 1


You just need to determine the handle of the script that they are enqueueing, and you can dequeue it yourself and prevent it from being loaded. I downloaded the plugin and had a look, my guess is (I haven't tested) that the lightbox script is jquery.fullscreen-0.4.1.js, which gets loaded on line 2448 of photo-gallery.php

function my_lightbox_prevention() {
    wp_dequeue_script( 'jquery-fullscreen' );
    wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-fullscreen' );
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'my_lightbox_prevention', 100 );

Add that to functions.php and it should do the trick. You might have to dequeue a couple other scripts as well but this should point you in the right direction at the very least.

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