I've added a custom taxonomy - shop_departments which is hierarchal. I've then added a meta field to this new taxonomy - term_meta[front_page] - which is all working fine.
However, on the management screen for the taxonomy I want a column for this meta data so the user can see at a glance which departments are assigned to the front page.
I can't work out how to add a column to this page. I want to do something like:
// Register the column
function front_page_column_register( $columns ) {
$columns['front-page'] = __( 'Front Page', 'my-plugin' );
return $columns;
add_filter( 'manage_edit-shopp_department_columns', 'front_page_column_register' );
Any help would be great, all the articles i've found talk about adding it to a posts or custom post-type edit page, not the taxonomy page itself!
method forWP_Terms_List_Table
class, so unless I am mistaken, I don't think it is possible. This would be a cool feature though. Heck, I'd add it myself if WordPress would ever switch to github. I'm useless on the SVN system.