I have installed a WordPress multisite subdomain network site, so for some blog, it can be accessed with this address


I tried to install theme, but it can't access all image used in the theme folder. Is there anythings i need to set up first? such as multisite settings or maybe using .htaccess?

  • Hi you are a little vague. What do you mean? Are you using get_bloginfo(). Refer to codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_bloginfo
    – Aaron Lee
    Commented Oct 16, 2013 at 11:05
  • the problem is some images loaded for theme is broken. i think it's the image path problem. can you point me out to the solution? Commented Oct 16, 2013 at 14:11

1 Answer 1


Accessing a Theme's directory in a multisite environment is no different from a single-site environment:

Please ensure that the Theme has been enabled, either globally, or for the specific multisite network site.

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