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I'm seeing my 2nd page displaying the exact same posts as my first page (minus the very first/latest post). All other pages 3,4,5 etc are performing as normal/expected. I was changing around the coding to exclude a category, so I tried copying in the original coding to fix it but with no luck. Here is the start of the loop:
<?php if( is_front_page() && !is_paged() ) : ?>
<div style="border-bottom: #c4c4c4 1px solid; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-bottom:20px;">
<?php dynamic_content_gallery(); ?></div><?php endif;?>
<?php global $query_string; query_posts( $query_string . '&cat=-1470'); ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : $i = 1; while ( have_posts() && $i <= $loop ) : the_post(); ?>
I've also looked at this but can't quite get it to work: Wordpress second page displays the same content as my first
Most other errors and solutions I find are in relation to all pages (3,4,5) displaying the same posts as the first. I'm only experiencing the problem with my second page.
Detail instructions are appreciated as I'm by no means an expert at dealing with php.