I need to get posts from a certain timeframe. I am using the posts_where filter.

I want to specify a beginning date and an end date. This is the function I use:

function filter_where( $where = '' ) {
    $where .= " AND post_date >= '2012-03-01' AND post_date =< '2014-03-01'";
    return $where;

This Filter returns nothing. The error ust be located anywhere around the second AND.

This is my function:

number_sold_mottos( $from, $till );

function number_sold_mottos( $from, $till ){
    add_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' );
    $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'shop_order'  );
    $post_ids   = array();
    $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    $last_order_ids = array();
    if ( $the_query -> have_posts() ):
        while ( $the_query -> have_posts()) :
            $the_query -> the_post();
    remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' ); 

function filter_where( $where ) {
    $where .= " AND post_date >= '2012-03-01' AND post_date =< '2014-03-01'";
    return $where;

Any help is welcome.

  • could you show the code for your loop too please, are you using query_posts?
    – Matt.C
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 16:48
  • 1
    Your only problem was that =< operator doen't exists in MySQL, the right operator for 'lower-or-equal-to' is <=
    – gmazzap
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 17:10
  • hmm, didn't spot that!
    – Matt.C
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 17:18

4 Answers 4


You should probably add the filter, then use a new query, then remove the filter.

function filter_where( $where ) {
    $where .= " AND post_date >= '2012-03-01' AND post_date <= '2014-03-01'";
    return $where;
add_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' );

$query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'shop_order' ) );
while( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();

remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' );
  • please have a look at my edit.
    – user998163
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 17:01
  • does this code work if you use it in place of your function above?
    – Matt.C
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 17:07

Maybe this can help you:

//Add the filter
add_filter('posts_where', 'filter_where' );
//Remove the = ''
function filter_where( $where ) {
    $where .= " AND post_date >= '2012-03-01' AND post_date =< '2014-03-01'";
    return $where;

You must know also that this filter will affect to all the queries performed in your site except the queries using get_posts() function, except if you set the argument suppress_filters to false, for example get_posts( array( 'suppress_filters' => FALSE ) );


don't do empty $where variable in function argument this is why you are getting nothing, because your $where statement defined in your function has not any query parameters other than date range, you need to expand $where like this.


number_sold_mottos( $from, $till );

function number_sold_mottos( $from, $till ){
     add_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' );
     $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'shop_order'  );
     $post_ids   = array();
     $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
     $last_order_ids = array();
     if ( $the_query->have_posts() ):
         while ( $the_query->have_posts()) :
    remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_where' ); 

function filter_where( $where ) {
    $where .= " AND post_date >= '2012-03-01' AND post_date <= '2014-03-01'";
    return $where;
  • I tried it your way, but I still do not get any result.
    – user998163
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 16:53
  • @user998163 i have edited your code try now.
    – Anjum
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 17:06

Additional information (no solution before WordPress 3.7): There is WP_Date_Query.

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