I have the following code:

/*Get number of entries*/
    function get_entries_num( $id ) {
        $count=  count_user_posts( $id );
        if ($count == 1) 
            return sprintf(__('%s total post','upme'), $post, $count);
        } else 
            return sprintf(__('%s total posts','upme'), $count);

I want to link "%s total posts" this location get_author_posts_url($author_id).

So, I want to display WordPress user all post(author page) when someone click on "%s total posts".

1 Answer 1


Have you tried something like:

/*Get number of entries*/
function get_entries_num( $id ) {
    $count=  count_user_posts( $id );
    if ($count == 1) 
        return '<a href="'.get_author_posts_url($id).'">'.sprintf(__('%s total post','upme'), $count).'</a>';
    } else 
        return '<a href="'.get_author_posts_url($id).'">'.sprintf(__('%s total posts','upme'), $count).'</a>';

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