While there's no such functionality built into core, there's a Track Ticket I proposed 2 years ago. You can simply rip of the functionality from the suggested wp_default_img()
function. I'll greatly appreciate any support in comments on that ticket, as this would be highly needed for every theme developer. Thanks in advance.
The following code is meant to be dropped into your ~/wp-content/mu-plugins
folder (or whatever you named it). It will then per default be available in every site on a network install or simply everywhere in your single site install. Use it like this:
default_img( array( /* attributes - see doc block */ ) );
Just save the code below into a new file with any name and you're ready to go.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) OR exit;
* Plugin Name: Default Image template tag
* Plugin URI: http://unserkaiser.com
* Description: Adds a default image template tag
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Franz Josef Kaiser
* Author URI: http://unserkaiser.com
* License: GNU GPL 2 <https://gist.github.com/1365159>
* Default image
* Builds an default <img> for use in themes or plugins before any other images are added.
* Resizes & crops the image using the built-in (retireved via `get_intermediate_image_sizes();`)
* or custom image (added via `add_image_size();`) sizes.
* Retrieves calculated resize dimension @uses image_resize_dimensions();
* Builds the width and height string @uses image_hwstring();
* @param $attr
* @internal param $args (array)
* string $url URl to the given default image.
* string $size Optional. Default is 'medium'.
* string (optional) $alt Image Description for the alt attribute.
* string (optional) $title Image Description for the title attribute.
* string (optional) $align Part of the class name for aligning the image.
* string (optional) $echo Wheter to return or echo the $image
* @return string HTML IMG element for given image attachment
function default_img( $attr )
// Sizes registered via add_image_size();
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$defaults = array(
'size' => 'medium',
'classes' => false,
'alt' => '',
'title' => '',
'align' => 'none',
'echo' => true,
$attr = wp_parse_args( $attr, $defaults );
$attr = array_map( 'esc_attr', $attr );
if ( 'thumb' === $attr['size'] )
$attr['size'] = 'thumbnail';
// Size in built in sizes - call size setting from DB
# behavoir in here dependent on @link http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18947
# if in core, we change to:
# $sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
# $size_data = $sizes[ $size ];
if ( ! in_array(
array_keys( $_wp_additional_image_sizes )
) )
# @TODO delete?
$sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
// Get option - gladly autoloaded/can use wp_cache_get();
$size_data['width'] = intval( get_option( "{$attr['size']}_size_w" ) );
$size_data['height'] = intval( get_option( "{$attr['size']}_size_h" ) );
// Not sure how this will behave if cropped is false (autoloaded option not added)
if ( ! $size_data['crop'] = get_option( "{$attr['size']}_crop" ) )
$attr['crop'] = false;
// Size array from global registered additional/custom sizes array
$size_data = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $attr['size'] ];
// Retrieve image width & height
$img_info = @getimagesize( $attr['url'] );
// Calculate final dimensions - if "crop" was set to true during add_image_size(), the img will get ... cropped
$end_sizes = image_resize_dimensions(
// defaults to px units.
// Can't get changed, as applying units is not possible
$hwstring = trim( image_hwstring(
) );
// Attributes:
// Not made required as users tend to do funky things (...and lock screen readers out)
! empty( $attr['alt'] ) AND $attr['alt'] = " alt='{$attr['alt']}'";
if ( ! $attr['title'] )
$mime = explode( "/", $img_info['mime'] );
$attr['title'] = sprintf( __( 'default image of type: %1$s' ), ucfirst( $mime[1] ) );
$attr['title'] = " title='{$attr['title']}'";
$attr['align'] = " align{$attr['align']}";
$attr['size'] = " size-{$attr['size']}";
// Allow filtering of the default attributes
$attr = apply_filters( 'wp_default_img_attr', $attr );
// Build class attribute, considering that maybe some attribute was unset via the filter
$classes = "class='wp-img-default{$attr['align']}{$attr['classes']}{$attr['size']}'";
$url = trim( $attr['url'] );
$image = "<img src='{$url}' {$hwstring} {$classes}{$attr['alt']}{$attr['title']} />";
// Allow filtering of output
$image = apply_filters( 'wp_default_img', $image );
$attr['echo'] AND print $image;
return $image;