I want to modify the "Posts" template. But I can't find it's location, I believe it's unrelated to my theme. Where is it located? Could I copy it and create an identical template in my theme so as to not mess around with the original?

2 Answers 2


Posts (note the plural) template does not exists.

The archive of standard post type, when is not a more specific template (date archive, author archive, taxonomy archive) is handled by:

home.php (and if this file doesn't exist) by index.php.

If you intend Post (note the singular) the right template file is single.php

Once understood this, to modify the template follow @JMau answer: create a child theme.


the informations above are not a secret, but are fully accessible in the Template Hierarchy page of Codex as @hereswhatidid says in the comment below.

  • 1
    Also, I would highly recommend reading through the Template Hierarchy page on WordPress.org:codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 13:53
  • +1 from me, I forgot to add the link in my original answer. @hereswhatidid
    – gmazzap
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 13:57

You have to modify a file called single.php. You could set up a child theme to not mess with the original theme.

This technique is the safest and easiest way to modify an existing theme. Basically you create a theme that inherits from the parent theme. It's good for maintenance when themes (parent theme here) are often updated.

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