Twice I installed a fresh LEMP Ubuntu 12.04 instalation on my server and started to build a wordpress site on my VPS following This tutorial. Now, for the second time, after a while I can't write do anything (write posts, update configurations, etc) because I get timeouts.
My resources are: 512 mb Ram, 1 CPU and 20gb of SSD. I'm running on Ditital Ocean.
I tried to fix it but couldn't find any similar issues around, but I suspect the problem has to do with the database because I can still update plugins, which does only add files to the folders that already exists.
The weird thing is that both times I had everything working perfectly and all of a sudden I started to get these problems. Last time the site even stopped working and the screen only showed that the site was Temporarily Unavailable.
Do you know what can have happend to get to this stage? Thank you!