I use stackoverflow very often and just found out in google about this one, Nice :D
Well, i want to save my every post i write from wordpress to my 3rd (OEXChangeble) website aswell at the same time, so i need to send the info to my website, developing a plugin iguess
I need basically the permalink (and i would be able to extract the rest of the params from my wesite), but better if i can get title, tags, permalink and description(or some of it)
i understand by my google research that all i need to do is add something like
//header of plugin
function myFunctionThatSendsMyWebsite($url){
// procedure containing a file_get_contents('myqwebsite?url=') request to my website
add_action('page_post', 'myFunctionThatSendsMyWebsite', $permalink));
I have problems thoug finding the name of variables i have missing (marked by ???). I know that $post contains all objet, how to extract the info from it (if there is), or if it's complicated, it would be enought for me with permalink
Any tip?