I hav been having some difficulties getting authorship set up for a multi-author blog. Everything appears to be set up correctly, but I am wondering if having multiple rel="author" tags on the home page is preventing the Google+ Profile of the main author from appearing in search results.
By default, the wordpress theme I am using uses 'the_author_posts_link()' when linking to other blog posts on the home page. and internal pages.(this automatically adds 'rel="author"' to the link).
Although, there is only 1 author profile who is actually linking to his Google+ Profile could have so many rel="author"
tags be preventing his blog posts from displaying his Google+ Profile photo in the search results?
On the specific posts of the author who I am attempting to have Google authorship for, his link looks like this:
<a target="_blank" rel="author me" href="http://plus.google.com/xxxxxxxxxxx" title="Google+"></a>
this link appears in the author box at the end of the authors' post.
When testing a url of a post by the said author in the rich-snippets-tool, everything looks great. However, it doesn't appear that way in the search results. I have tried several configurations of this, including using plugins and having the author link in the .
Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated.