I creat a post form on front-end for wordpress members by use DJD Site Post plugin. Plugin url: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/djd-site-post/

And now i want to auto strip all hyperlink & images in post when user copy & paste content from other website (with many links).

I use the simple editor in plugin (tinymce editor).

How to auto strip all hyperlinks & images in post befor record to database (or when user click the submit button) by php functions or tinymce functions (exclude admin user)?

Here is some code in the plugin i think need to edit: (I'm using case simple)

// Set editor (content field) style
    case 'simple':
        $teeny = true;
        $show_quicktags = false;
        add_filter( 'teeny_mce_buttons', create_function ( '' , "return array('bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'bullist', 'numlist', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'undo', 'redo', 'unlink', 'fullscreen');" ) , 50 );
    case 'rich':
        $teeny = false;
        $show_quicktags = true;
    case 'html':
        $teeny = true;
        $show_quicktags = true;
        add_filter ( 'user_can_richedit' , create_function ( '' , 'return false;' ) , 50 );

Thanks all for help. (Sorry if my english is not good.)

1 Answer 1


Here is one idea to strip link- and image tags from the post content (before you save it) by using the edit_post_content filter and the wp_kses function:

add_filter( 'edit_post_content', 'my_edit_post_content', 10, 1 );
function my_edit_post_content( $content ) { 
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { // only strip for non-admins
        global $allowedposttags;
        $mytags = $allowedposttags;
        unset($mytags['a']);               // don't allow links
        unset($mytags['img']);             // don't allow images
        $content = wp_kses($content, $mytags);
    return $content;

where $allowedposttags is defined here:


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