I have this code in the template file header.php:

<div class="dynamic-header">
    <?php if(function_exists('show_media_header')){ show_media_header(); } ?>

I want to process that header info on all pages, except for homepage. How I can do this?

  • I found that WP offers API to do this: <?php if (is_front_page() ) { get_header( 'front' ); } else { get_header(); } ?>
    – bgbs
    Commented Apr 16, 2013 at 1:27
  • 3
    Post your solution as an actual answer please, then mark it "accepted".
    – s_ha_dum
    Commented Apr 16, 2013 at 1:59

2 Answers 2


You can combine multiple conditional statements:

if ( function_exists( 'show_media_header' ) 
    and ! is_home() // list of newest blog posts
    and ! is_front_page() // front page, might be a static page

You don’t need a separate file for that.


You don't need a separate file, just do:

<? if (!is_front_page()){ ?>
<div class="dynamic-header"><?php if(function_exists('show_media_header')){ show_media_header(); } ?></div><?

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