At first, never ever store a date in the format you prefer. Store dates only in the format your database prefer. In case of MySQL the format is YYYY-MM-DD
Let's write a short function to convert a date to the MySQL-format:
function date2mysql( $date ) {
$timestamp = strtotime( $date );
return ( false === $timestamp ) ?
false : date( 'Y-m-d', $timestamp );
This function will return a date formated with the MySQL-formaat. If the given date is not a valid date (e.g. '16. Hugo 2013'), the function returns false
I expect you have a function to store your data in the database. This could look like this one:
function save_event( $data ) {
$defaults = array(
'date' => '01. January 1970',
'event' => 'Sample event'
$data = wp_parse_args( $data, $defaults );
* some code that store your data in the database
Before you store the data in the database, you have to convert the date to the right format:
$data = wp_parse_args( $data, $defaults );
$date = date2mysql( $data['date'] );
// handle cases where the date could not be converted. here setup a default date
if ( false === $date )
$date = '1970-01-01';
$data['date'] = $date;
If you query your database, the post will be now sorted in the right way but will be displayed wrong. You also need a back-conversion from MySQL-format to a human readable format. WordPress have a build in function for that:
function display_data() {
$events = query_posts(
$dateformat = get_option( 'date_format' );
echo '<table>';
echo '<thead><th><td>Date</td><td>Event</td></th></thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
foreach ( $events as $single_event ) {
mysql2date( $dateformat, $single_event['date'],
echo '</tbody></table>';
mysql2date() format the date with the given format-string (in this example the date format from the WP options).
Summary: Before storing a date in the database, convert it into a MySQL-format. Convert it back into another format only on displaying. Do not convert it before sorting the data or do something else with the data.
and why we need to register there.