After every instance of switch_to_blog() you should call restore_current_blog() to restore the current (actually, previous) blog.

But if you're looping through two or more blogs and calling switch_to_blog() on each, is there any reason not to use an additional switch_to_blog() at the end of the loop to switch to the original blog rather than calling restore_current_blog() at each pass.


Why not:

 $original_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
 foreach( $blog_ids as $blog_id ){
    switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
    //Do stuff
 switch_to_blog( $original_blog_id );

instead of:

 foreach( $blog_ids as $blog_id ){
    switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
    //Do stuff
  • Now I understand this, thanks for correcting that answer of mine ;) Am revising everything.
    – brasofilo
    Commented Mar 3, 2013 at 10:55

3 Answers 3


After every instance of switch_to_blog() you need to call restore_current_blog() otherwise WP will think it is in a "switched" mode and can potentially return incorrect data.

If you view the source code for both functions you will see those functions push/pop data into a global called $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack']. If you do not call restore_current_blog() after every switch_to_blog(), $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] will be non-empty. If $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] is non-empty WP thinks it is in a switched mode, even if you switched back to the original blog using switch_to_blog(). The switched mode function is ms_is_switched() and it affects wp_upload_dir(). If wp_upload_dir() thinks it is in a switched mode, it can return data that is incorrect. wp_upload_dir() builds URLs for the site, so it is a very critical function.

This is the correct use:

 foreach( $blog_ids as $blog_id ){
    switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
    //Do stuff
  • Thanks, I've not had chance to work through the soup of constants & logic that wp_upload_dir() employs to generate urls, but I shall take your word that this does indeed result in buggy behaviour. In any case, the existence of ms_is_switched() means my alternative approach results in the function not behaving as expected and could break plug-ins as well as core. Thanks Commented Nov 17, 2013 at 22:59
  • 1
    If this is true, then the Codex page for restore_current_blog() needs an update, since it says that for multiple switches, one need only save the current $blog_id and then use multiple switch_to_blog() calls.
    – Pat J
    Commented Nov 21, 2013 at 16:54

If you want to run over multiple blogs there is no need to restore the previous blog each time. The only thing that grows is $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] – an array with blog IDs, nothing to worry about.

But keep in mind, restore_current_blog() will not work ( ! ! ! ) anymore after the second switch, because it uses the previous blog – which is not the first blog then. So store the first blog ID, and call …

switch_to_blog( $first_blog_id ); 
unset ( $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] );
$GLOBALS['switched'] = false; 

… instead of restore_current_blog() when you are done. The global variables must be reset, or you will run into the issues mentioned by @user42826.

The performance impact is huge. I’ve run some tests on a local installation with 12 sites:

$sites = wp_get_sites();

print '<pre>' . count( $sites ) . " sites\n";


print 'With restore_current_blog():    ';

foreach ( $sites as $site ) {
    switch_to_blog( $site[ 'blog_id' ] );

timer_stop( 1, 9 );

print "\nWithout restore_current_blog(): ";


$current_site = get_current_blog_id();

foreach ( $sites as $site ) {
    switch_to_blog( $site[ 'blog_id' ] );

switch_to_blog( $current_site );
$GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] = array();
$GLOBALS['switched']           = FALSE;

timer_stop( 1, 9 );

print '</pre>';


12 sites
With restore_current_blog():    0.010648012
Without restore_current_blog(): 0.005203962

Using restore_current_blog() after each switch doubles the time that is needed just for switching.

  • Thought there wasn't any reason not to. Was confused why restore_current_blog() didn't just retrive the previous blog ID and call switch_to_blog() - a brief look at the code source and it seems there's a bit of code duplication... Commented Mar 2, 2013 at 20:52
  • 3
    I don't think modifying the globals directly is a good idea, because you're coupling your code to Core's internals, which isn't future-proof. It's better to use the API properly.
    – Ian Dunn
    Commented Sep 29, 2014 at 17:17
  • 2
    @IanDunn Just for the record: switch_to_blog() is a very limited (broken) API anyway. If WordPress ever fixes that, we have to refactor our code anyway. And WordPress will never give up its beloved globals.
    – fuxia
    Commented Feb 2, 2015 at 0:54
  • 2
    @IanDunn I don't think modifying the globals directly is a good idea, don't tell that to wp core developers ;)
    – Ejaz
    Commented Feb 2, 2016 at 19:14
  • 1
    @J.D. Of course, you need to be context aware. In the case of an already switched state you might have even to maintain the correct index of the stack. I would probably search for a way to avoid that. On the other hand, this is WordPress, so there might be no other way …
    – fuxia
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 19:28

Thanks to @toscho answer. This request in queue of WP - see updates here. Till that is fixed in WP, if anyone desperately wants to use standard restore_current_blog(), then here is another method (please correct if I am wrong):

make your function, i.e.

function restore_original_blog_X(){

        $GLOBALS['blog_id']= $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'][0];
        $GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'] = array($GLOBALS['_wp_switched_stack'][0]);


and execute only once when you finish your multiple switches. (more: wp-includes/ms-blogs.php )

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