I'm having a problem with entries for a custom post type not being ordered as expected inside a custom query:

<h4>Related projects</h4>


                $rp_args = array(
                        'post_type' => 'work',
                        'post_status' => 'publish',
                        'orderby' => 'title',
                        'order' => 'ASC',

                $related_projects = new WP_Query($rp_args);

                while ($related_projects->have_posts()) : $related_projects->the_post();
                <li><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title();?></a></li>

It's supposed to just simply pull out a custom post type and order it by name - but the ordering isn't working and I'm not sure why not.

It's simply listing the posts in the order they appear in the WP admin.

Any thoughts on why my ordering isn't kicking in? It finds the correct post type and number of posts I specify - just the ordering doesn't seem to work.

  • @Simon - Do you have any plugins that might be modifying the order queries? That would be the first place I'd look... Please update your question to list the plugins you are using. Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 13:20
  • Paste some of the output you get,so we can see what you are getting.
    – Bainternet
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 13:20
  • @Simon Also add this right after your new WP_Query(...) line to see what the SQL query looks like, and post that: echo $related_projects->request; exit; Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 13:22
  • 2
    I'd suggest avoiding interferance from plugins by passing in the suppress_filters parameter. Eg. suppress_filters => true this will bypass any filters plugins are performing on the query... ;)
    – t31os
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 13:32
  • I may be wrong, but isn't get_posts() preferred for custom loops? Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 14:03

2 Answers 2


Yep - I'm stupid.

Post Types Order plugin has an option (set by default) which overrides any ordering done in queries. Turn that off and the problem goes away.

  • 1
    Can you please elaborate on exactly what you fixed so that others with the same problem can benefit? Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 14:09
  • Wow, this just saved me a long time (well I already spent a long time..). Here's a screenshot of what to uncheck in Settings > Post type order: i.imgur.com/lKWwXQq.png
    – laras126
    Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 19:48
  • adding 'ignore_custom_sort' => true to your query parameters fixes the problem also
    – philip
    Commented Jan 28, 2021 at 9:30

into the file category.php use for example

sort_query_posts_by('title', 'desc');

or use ID, date etc. (see the function below) before loop and insert the function below

if (! function_exists('sort_query_posts_by'))
    function sort_query_posts_by($order_by, $order = 'asc')
        global $wp_query;
        $order_by = strtolower($order_by);
        $order    = strtolower($order);

        if ($order_by == 'rand') {

        if ($order_by == 'none') {
            $order_by = 'id';
            $order = 'asc';

        $props = array(
            'author'        => 'return sqp_compare_by_number($o1->post_author, $o2->post_author, '.$order.');',
            'comment_count' => 'return sqp_compare_by_number($o1->comment_count, $o2->comment_count, '.$order.');',
            'date'          => 'return sqp_compare_by_number(strtotime($o1->post_date), strtotime($o2->post_date), '.$order.');',
            'id'            => 'return sqp_compare_by_number($o1->ID, $o2->ID, '.$order.');',
            'menu_order'    => 'return sqp_compare_by_number($o1->menu_order, $o2->menu_order, '.$order.');',
            'modified'      => 'return sqp_compare_by_number(strtotime($o1->post_modified), strtotime($o2->post_modified), '.$order.');',
            'parent'        => 'return sqp_compare_by_number($o1->post_parent, $o2->post_parent, '.$order.');',
            'title'         => 'return sqp_compare_by_string($o1->post_title, $o2->post_title, '.$order.');'

        usort($wp_query->posts, create_function('$o1, $o2', $props[$order_by]));

    function sqp_compare_by_number($n1, $n2, $order)
        $n1 = (int) $n1;
        $n2 = (int) $n2;
        $v  = $n1 > $n2 ? 1 : ($n1 < $n2 ? -1 : 0);
        return ($order == 'desc') ? $v * -1 : $v;

    function sqp_compare_by_string($s1, $s2, $order)
        $v = strnatcasecmp($s1, $s2);
        return ($order == 'desc') ? $v * -1 : $v;

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