I would like to insert data into the wp_posts table with the inserted post_id in the 'guid' for a record that doesn't already exist. Below is the closest I've gotten but this doesn't work ($postarr['ID'] is equal to 0).

function filter_handler( $data , $postarr )
    $my_post_id = $postarr['ID'];
    $data['guid'] = get_option('siteurl') .'/?post_type=ai1ec_event&p='.$my_post_id.'&instance_id=';

return $data;

add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data' , 'filter_handler' , '99', 2 );

$mypost = array(
  'post_author'     => 1,
 'post_content'     => 'Test', 
 'post_status'      => 'publish',
 'post_title'       => $_GET['assignment_name'],
 'post_type'        => 'ai1ec_event',
 'guid'     => ''

$postid = wp_insert_post($mypost);

1 Answer 1


Why would you need that? ID in a database is auto increment - it manages it's value itself. If your target is to set custom guid, you should update the inserted post as soon as it is created via wp_update_post right after your $post_id = wp_inserted_post($mypost); like this:

...Your code above...
$postid = wp_insert_post($mypost);
$data = array(
   'ID' => $postid,
   'guid' => get_option('siteurl') .'/?post_type=ai1ec_event&p='.$postid.'&instance_id='
wp_update_post( $data );
  • Thanks for quick response. I needed this because the solution above didn't work, or at least it didn't when I tried it about an hour ago. I tried it again now and it worked. Thanks again.
    – Aori Nevo
    Commented Feb 2, 2013 at 7:17
  • Also, I can drop the wp_insert_post_data and the filter now. Thanks again.
    – Aori Nevo
    Commented Feb 2, 2013 at 7:26

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