Is there any way to prevent double execution of do_action statements? For example, I have the following lines:

do_action('myhook1', 'myfunction1');
do_action('myhook2', 'myfunction2');
do_action('myhook3', 'myfunction3');

There are also other plugins that "might" be executing them.

Is there a built-in WordPress function or some means to prevent dual execution of do_action statements? What I need is that once they are activated or executed? Wordpress will simply ignore the other do_action statements.

Something like this condition:

if (!(already_executed)) {
//not executed
//execute the do_action lines

 do_action('myhook1', 'myfunction1');
 do_action('myhook2', 'myfunction2');
 do_action('myhook3', 'myfunction3');

  • Do you want to call a function with do_acton()? If so, you do it wrong. The syntax of do_action() is do_action( [tag], [argument [, argument, argument]] ). Maybe you mean add_action( [tag], [function to call] )
    – Ralf912
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 9:43

2 Answers 2


To check if someone already hooked into myhook1

if( 0 >= did_action( 'myhook1' ) )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

If you want to check if the function myfunction1 was already called (maybe by a simple function call), you have to set a 'marker'

function myfunction1 ( $some_args ) {

// with a simple global define (a bad solution)
  define( 'MYFUNCTION1_DONE', TRUE );

// or with the globals array (also a bad solution)

  $myfunction_calls = isset( $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] ) ?
    $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] : array();
  if( ! is_array( $myfunction_calls ) )
    $myfunction_calls = array();

  $myfunction_calls[__FUNCTION__] = TRUE;
  $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] = $myfunction_calls;

// or with database
// you have to reset the database entry everytime the script ends
// this is can be done by add_action( 'shutdown', 'reset_myfunctioncalls_db_entry' );
// or in a class with a __destruct() method
  $myfunction_calls = get_option( 'myfunction_calls', TRUE );
  if( ! is_array( $myfunction_calls ) )
    $myfunction_calls = array();

  $myfunction_calls[__FUNCTION__] = TRUE;
  upodate_option( 'myfunction_calls', $myfunctions );

[... some other code ...]

Before you call do_action(), you can check if the function was already called

if( ! defined( 'MYFUNCTION1_DONE' ) || TRUE !== MYFUNCTION1_DONE )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

// or
$myfunction_calls = isset( $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] ) ?
  $GLOBALS['myfunction_calls'] : array();

if( ! isset( $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] ) || TRUE !== $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );

// or
$myfunction_calls = get_option( 'myfunction_calls', TRUE );

if( ! isset( $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] ) || TRUE !== $myfunction_calls['myfunction1'] )
  do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1' );
  • thanks Ralf, does Wordpress core ignore the other do_action if the same hook is already executed? For example this statement occurred twice do_action( mytag, myargument ) Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 10:29
  • If you have something like this do_action( 'foo', 'a string as argument' ); [...] do_action( 'foo', 'another string as argument' ); then the hook will be executed twice. Simply don't use the same tag (hook) more than once.
    – Ralf912
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 11:55

There are two ways:

  1. Pass all the parameters at once:

    do_action( 'myhook1', 'myfunction1', 'myfunction2', 'myfunction3' );
    // or
    do_action( 'myhook1', array ( 'myfunction1', 'myfunction2', 'myfunction3' ) );
  2. Create custom actions with the parameter as part of the name (if it is a scalar):

    do_action( 'myhook1_myfunction1' );
    do_action( 'myhook1_myfunction2' );
    do_action( 'myhook1_myfunction3' );

Note the second parameter of do_action() is not a function, it is a string. So, when somebody else is using that hook with add_action() no function will be called twice unless you are using exact same hook two times on a page.

  • If someone else hooked into myhook1, then the function(s) will be called( executed) a second time, or am I wrong? The question was how to prevent a second call of the functions, if I didn't missunderstood the question.
    – Ralf912
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 9:39
  • @Ralf912 No, the number of registered callbacks for a hook is almost unlimited. Using the same hook does not mean the same function will be executed.
    – fuxia
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 9:43
  • I think he mean add_action and not do_action, because 'myfunction1' is a bit wired argument.
    – Ralf912
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 9:48

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