From your comment I believe there are two better options, that will keep development time down and your sanity in check.
1) If you have PHP w/ PDO, then you could look at using this plugin, which will let you use sqlite as a database. Note: Wordpress was designed around and for mysql, your results may vary using a different sql backend.
2) If all you have is some basic php modules. I would just create the site with a group of includes. To where you are creating a series of "templates" using php includes. I would have a php file for the header, footer, home page and inner page. If you have multiple inner pages. I would pull any similiar layouts out into a separate page and include those for each type of inner page. Then put all your content in the inner pages. Then with your index.php create some basic code that loads up the pages you want based on the URL coming in. You can use .htaccess with mod_rewrite (assuming apache) To convert nice urls to something like /about-us into /index.php?template=inner&page=about