I have created an Image Upload field for a User Photo in the User Profile section in the wp-admin using Advanced Custom Fields. I realized ACF could do this per this post: Photo gallery on profile page?
How would I go about capturing the contents of the image src field in ACF? The following does not work:
<?php $publisher_photo = get_field('user_photo'); ?>
<?php echo "<img class='publisher-picture' src='$publisher_photo' />"; ?>
I even tried this, but it does not work either:
<?php $publisher_photo = get_the_author_meta('user_photo'); ?>
<?php echo "<img class='publisher-picture' src='$publisher_photo' />"; ?>
When I try to debug and echo the contents of the $publisher_photo variable, it comes back blank leading me to believe I'm not picking up this field from the User Profile in the correct way.