I try to get posts that either do not have a custom field set or if set have a value not like a given parameter.

Here is my code:

    $args_included = array(
        'numberposts'     => 1,
        'post_type'       => 'post',
        'post_status'     => 'published',
        'meta_query' => array(
               'relation' => 'OR',
                    'key' => 'requested_by',
                    'value' => '%' . $SANITIZED_PARAM . '%',
                    'compare' => 'NOT LIKE'
                    'key' => 'requested_by',
                    'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'

    get_posts($args_included); // empty array

The custom field requested_by is supposed to be either empty or filled with a string value like this one : foo;bar;gamma;.

If I remove this part of the code :

                'relation' => 'OR',
                    'key' => 'requested_by',
                    'value' => '%' . $SANITIZED_PARAM . '%',
                    'compare' => 'NOT LIKE'

the query then works.

What am I missing ?

WP 3.5

UPDATE Here is my final code that work :

    $args_included = array(
        'numberposts'     => 1,
        'post_type'       => 'post',
        'post_status'     => 'publish',
        'meta_query' => array(
                    'key' => 'requested_by',
                    'value' => $PARAM,
                    'compare' => 'NOT LIKE'

    get_posts($args_included); // Just ONE post


  • Status is publish not published
  • The custom field didn't exist so no results can be found.
    Below is a SQL query for mass setting the custom field:

    INSERT INTO wp_postmeta(post_id,meta_key,meta_value)
       SELECT ID , 'requested_by', ';'
       FROM wp_posts
       WHERE post_status='publish'
       AND post_type='post'
  • Last tips for debug purpose. You can get the final SQL query sent to MySQL like this:

    $args = array(
        'numberposts'     => 1,
        'post_type'       => 'post',
        'post_status'     => 'publish',
        'meta_query' => array(
                    'key' => 'requested_by',
                    'value' => $PARAM,
                    'compare' => 'NOT LIKE'
    $q = new WP_Query($args);
    echo $q->request;

1 Answer 1


You don't need to add the % signs to the value. WordPress does that for you automatically on a LIKE or NOT LIKE comparison. You also don't need to "sanitize" the parameter, it will be automatically escaped for SQL.

See wp-includes/meta.php, around line 806 or so.

  • I have updated my code but the problem remains :\
    – Stephan
    Commented Dec 26, 2012 at 18:48
  • 1
    Instead of using get_posts, make a new WP_QUery() with your arguments, then var_dump() the query. This will give you, among other things, the SQL it's generating. This will help see what's wrong with your parameters.
    – Otto
    Commented Dec 26, 2012 at 19:32
  • Oh, also, "post_status" should be "publish", not "published".
    – Otto
    Commented Dec 26, 2012 at 19:33

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