Hey all i am wondering what i need to add in order to have a different sidebar for a set page?
I created a category for the page (called PatientEdu):
And made sure the page was linked to the category:
But it still seems to be using the other category sidebar (Which i also do not know where its at)?
So any help would be great!
My current sidebar.php code is this:
<?php if (is_active_sidebar('default-sidebar')) : ?>
<div id="sidebar">
<h2>Default Sidebar</h2>
<?php dynamic_sidebar('default-sidebar'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
and the function code:
update 2
Looks like its using the single.php page to populate the sidebar?
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<div id="sidebar">
<h3><?php echo get_cat_name(CAT_DOCTORS); ?></h3>
<ul class="info-list">
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<li <?php if ($post_id == get_the_ID()) {echo 'class="active"';} ?>>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
<span><?php the_title(); ?></span>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>