I'm trying to create a feed of the most recent 10 posts from 5 different feeds all combined into one list. I found a way to combine the feeds but have not been able to easily limit them to 10 and sort them by date.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!!!
<?php $rsslist = array(
$feedlist = array();
foreach ( $rsslist as $rssurl ) $feedlist []= fetch_feed( $rssurl ); /* store in feed array for later access */
$current_item_cycle = 0;
while ( sizeof($feedlist) ) { /* while feedlist is not empty */
foreach ( $feedlist as $index => $feed ) { /* cycle through each feed */
if (!$item = $feed->get_item($current_item_cycle++)) unset($feedlist[$index]); /* if feed has not more items unset */
else /* echo it out */ { ?>
<?php echo $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a') . $item->get_permalink(); ?>
<?php }
} ?>