I'm facing a problem, basically if I use the

tags into the html and then change to visual editor, the tags disappear, and it stays in plain text.


  • In HTML mode, I add some p tags to a post I'm editing.
  • I switch to Visual, then back to HTML, and the tag and all of its content are gone.

I'm not using any extended tinymce plugin.

Any Suggestion?

1 Answer 1


Wordpress doesn't save <p> tags. Paragraphs are displayed automatically in the TinyMCE visual editor and then the output gets <p> tags automatically (for better or for worse) from the wpautop function.

I avoid using <p> tags. A double line break will automatically be converted to a paragraph at output.

  • so basically, there is not any change to avoid this behavior? Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 17:45
  • Unfortunately not, as far as I know. Sorry that the answer is "there is no answer". You could disable the visual editor, but then you will always be obliged to work in HTML-mode. Why do you need a special <p>? Maybe there is another approach we could find. Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 21:49
  • I just didn't want to give a general line height to the body, and keep it only for paragraphs, however there is not other way. Thanks a ton for you answer. Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 22:21
  • I don't think this is quite right. wpautop adds <br /> when it finds a line break; it doesn't strip out <p> tags (according to the docs, anyway). Disabling wpautop doesn't fix this issue.
    – EML
    Commented Dec 25, 2019 at 10:48

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