I recently started to develop plugins and themes and I found that I need to use several functions of on both.

Sometime I think about to check if function / class exist before declared as said on this post: When to check if a function exists

But that is considered as bad practice. What is best practice to prevent conflicts and keep themes & plugin work independently without one themes / plugin installed?

1 Answer 1


Actions & Filters

The imho best way is to use an action to bring plugin functions into themes.

Example #1

Here's a little plugin to test this.

/** Plugin Name: (#68117) Print Hello! */
function wpse68117_print_hello()
    echo "Hello World!";
add_action( 'wpse68117_say', 'wpse68117_print_hello' );

Inside the theme:

/** Template Name: Test »Print Hello!« Plugin */
// Now we call the plugins hook
do_action( 'wpse68117_say' );

What now happens / The kool kid

This way we don't have to check the existence of a function, a file, a class, a method or maybe even a (don't do this!) global $variable. The WP intern global already takes this for us: It checks if the hook name is the current filter and attaches it. If it doesn't exists, nothing happens.

Example #2

With our next plugin, we're attaching a callback function that takes one argument.

/** Plugin Name: (#68117) Print Thing! */
function wpse68117_print_thing_cb( $thing )
    return "Hello {$thing}!";
add_filter( 'wpse68117_say_thing', 'wpse68117_print_thing_cb' );

Inside the theme:

/** Template Name: Test »Print Thing!« Plugin */
// Now we call the plugins hook
echo apply_filter( 'wpse68117_say_thing', 'World' );

This time, we offer the user/developer the possibility to add an argument. He can either echo/print the output, or even process it further (in case you got an array in return).

Example #3

With the third plugin, we're attaching a callback function that takes two arguments.

/** Plugin Name: (#68117) Print Alot! */
function wpse68117_alot_cb( $thing, $belongs = 'is mine' )
    return "Hello! The {$thing} {$belongs}";
add_filter( 'wpse68117_grab_it', 'wpse68117_alot_cb' );

Inside the theme:

/** Template Name: Test »Print Alot!« Plugin */
// Now we call the plugins hook
$string_arr = implode(
     " "
    ,apply_filter( 'wpse68117_grab_it', 'World', 'is yours' )
foreach ( $string_arr as $part )
     // Highlight the $thing
     if ( strstr( 'World', $part ) 
         echo "<mark>{$part} </mark>";
     echo "{$part} ";

This plugin now allows us to insert two arguments. We can save it into a $variable and further process it.


With using filters and actions you're giving better performance by avoiding unnecessary checks (compare speed of function_*/class_*/method_*/file_exists or the search for a global with in_array() for ~1k(?) filter searches). You also avoid having all those unnecessary Notices for not set variables, etc., as the plugin cares about this.

  • 2
    Great insight on a best practice topic!
    – Adam
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 4:00
  • 1
    Thanks kaiser, you come with the best possible best practice for this issues. thanks again!
    – Jeg Bagus
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 5:21
  • btw, we need to give different name for same functionality shared between plugin & themes right?
    – Jeg Bagus
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 5:23
  • let say i have function i call jlog that will do simple wrapping pre to variable and print content of those variable. i add jlog function on themes and plugin, how can i prevent any conflict?
    – Jeg Bagus
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 18:11
  • 1
    @JegBagus You are a very confused man :) Please update your question with the exact functions and explain what they are doing and where they should be doing something. And please clean up your comments here. Thanks.
    – kaiser
    Commented Oct 14, 2012 at 13:04

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