I got some code from this site which is going to work great for me. If ound it in another post. What I have modified it to do is add a text box in the category edit area so that the user can input the path to an image. It is working. I have checked the database and I do see the option called "paradiso_category_fields_option" in that option is an array entitled "image" and there is a path to an image. I have displayed this image in the admin area but have not been able to get it on the front of my site. I have tried like so
$cat_image = get_option(paradiso_category_fields_option);
<img src="<?php echo $cat_image;?>">
this gives me
<img src="Array" />
so I tried a foreach loop and get nothing that way either. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Here is the line from the database
I shortened the url so that it would fit better on this page.
here is the code I am using that make everything work in the admin area
// the option name
define('PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS', 'paradiso_category_fields_option');
// your fields (the form)
add_filter('edit_category_form', 'PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS');
function paradiso_category_fields($tag) {
$tag_extra_fields = get_option(PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS);
<table class="form-table">
<tr class="form-field">
<th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_category_image">Full URL to image</label> </th>
<td><input name="_category_image" id="_category_image" type="text" size="40" aria-required="false" value="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['image']; ?>" />
<p class="description">This needs the full path to the image you want to use. Example, <br />http://www.mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/myImage.jpg.</p>
<img src="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['image']; ?>" alt="" />
// when the form gets submitted, and the category gets updated (in your case the option will get updated with the values of your custom fields above
add_filter('edited_terms', 'update_paradiso_category_fields');
function update_paradiso_category_fields($term_id) {
if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'):
$tag_extra_fields = get_option(PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS);
$tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['image'] = strip_tags($_POST['_category_image']);
update_option(PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields);
// when a category is removed
add_filter('deleted_term_taxonomy', 'remove_paradiso_category_fields');
function remove_paradiso_category_fields($term_id) {
if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'):
$tag_extra_fields = get_option(PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS);
update_option(PARADISO_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields);
I have gotten closer to figuring this out. I have modified loop.php with this code
<?php foreach ((get_the_category()) as $category){
$cat_image = get_option('paradiso_category_fields_option'); ?>
<img src="<?php echo $cat_image[$category->cat_ID ]['image']; ?>" />
<?php } ?>
So that does return the two images it is suppose to but it also returns the first image a few more times. Once for each title in that specific category. Is there a way to target the main category instead of each child category?