this issus is different fromm How to migrate wordpress users from one blog to another

since i am using WPMU, i have backup the database, and then import it to the other host, also i have changed the wp-config.php, but the web page just shows that i cannot connect to database, what's wrong?

the error page is as follows:

Error establishing database connection

1 Answer 1


Error establishing database connection

Can Only mean one thing and that is an Error establishing database connection, check your wp-config.php again and see that the database settings is correct and also make sure that your database user as permission on the database server.

  • it is allowed to access my database from everywhere, that is %, and the user/password in wp-config.php is correct, so i am confused why failed to establish database connection
    – hugemeow
    Commented Sep 6, 2012 at 5:29

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