I need to use an existing database table as a Custom Post Type (CPT) to integrate it with wordpress.
I've considered @boone-gorges thoughts here (should I?) and have decided, Yes, I need to use a custom table (mostly for indexing of the 20+ "custom meta" fields that would get bogged in wordpress' native handling of custom meta.)
Aside from home-grown display and usage of data, I need tight integration with Wordpress (acts and behaves like CPT) so that I can:
- Call the CPT via the loop
- Utilize custom taxonomies
- Integrate with Posts to Posts
- Use various other plugins (bbPress Topics for Posts, Popularity plugins, etc... ) on that CPT
Editing / Updating through WP would be a bonus - though not necessary (the table will be edited mostly via external programs, which is another reason it needs to be separate).
Is there a slick way to make this happen? Perhaps implementing hooks that hijacks calls to that CPT and directs them to the other table?
I'm looking at Pods - but this seems like overkill.