So i'm trying to create a WordPress plugin and I've created some menu pages using this provided function:

add_submenu_page('my_plugin_menu', 'Edit record page', 'Edit record page', 'manage_options', 'edit_record_page', array(&$this, 'display_edit_record_page');

and when I go to the page I notice on the address bar on the browser it reads something like this:


What I want to do is to be able to link this page but I find I have to hardcode the link for lack of a better way of doing it and I'm working on a dev site. So I was wondering how I could dynamically generate the link I saw on my browser so that when I copy this plugin code onto the production server it will work. Namely, is there a WordPress function that will generate the link portion of the submenu page create.


Also, if I want to append query strings to the to the link is it as simple as adding it manually like so:


or is there an appropriate WordPress function for doing that too?

2 Answers 2


admin_url() gets you the correct administration page URL (and network_admin_url() to get a network administration page URL)

Optionally, you can use add_query_arg() to append arguments to an URL, using an associative array:

$page       = 'edit_record_page';
$rec_id     = 1;
$record_url = add_query_arg(compact('page', 'rec_id'), admin_url('admin.php'));

<a href="admin.php?page=edit_record_page">Link Text</a>


<a href="admin.php?page=edit_record_page&rec_id=1">Link Text</a>

  • This works, however can you show an example of using admin_url(); inline like this? Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 18:17

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