Basically I've setup a custom post type and taxonomy for a set type of posts and I'm creating a child theme from twentyeleven.

When I use the default WP Posts and then I tag them and categorize them, get_the_category_list and get_the_tag_list do their work and display below the post.

Now I would like to do the same with my custom post type with two taxonomies that behave as tags and categories. Is there a way I can do this without having to redo the work that get_the_category_list and get_the_tag_list already do?

1 Answer 1


You can use the generic get_the_term_list() for all taxonomies.

  • I pretty much figured it out a few minutes after posting the question by looking at category-template.php. I'm going to accept this as the answer as it is the simplest method. Thanks.
    – george.n
    Commented May 31, 2012 at 14:01

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