I just tried to add a simple help tab, from within a class (example to test below). I wanted to use a helper/callback fn to prepare the content for different help tabs. According to core, the function takes some args:

WP 3.3 /wp-admin/includes/screen.php LINE 722

     // If it exists, fire tab callback.
     if ( ! empty( $tab['callback'] ) )
        call_user_func_array( $tab['callback'], array( $this, $tab ) );

For some reason I get the complete WP_Screen object in the callback, instead of just the tab. See PasteBin here.

Here's the example. For your convenience, as a plugin, so testing is easier (on post screens).

 * Plugin Name: Help Tab Test Case
 * Plugin URI:  http://unserkaiser.com
 * Description: Add Help Tab test case
class example_help
    public $tabs = array(
         'EXAMPLE' => array(
             'title'   => 'TEST ME!'
            ,'content' => 'FOO'

   static public function init()
        $class = __CLASS__ ;
        new $class;

    public function __construct()
        add_action( "load-{$GLOBALS['pagenow']}", array( $this, 'add_tabs' ), 20 );

    public function add_tabs()
        foreach ( $this->tabs as $id => $data )
            get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array(
                 'id'       => $id
                ,'title'    => __( $data['title'], 'some_textdomain' )
                ,'content'  => $data['content']
                ,'callback' => array( $this, 'prepare' )
            ) );

    /* HELPER */
    public function prepare( $tab )
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// FAILS: return blank
// _dump( $tab['tabs'] );
// No error output on screen
var_dump( $tab );

// I can dump it using my own function, 
// that adds the data to a global and then calls & prints it on shutdown
// See pastebin for content
// _dump( $tab );
        return printf( 
            ,__( 'test', 'dmb_textdomain' )
add_action( 'load-post.php', array( 'example_help', 'init' ) );
add_action( 'load-post-new.php', array( 'example_help', 'init' ) );


If I just output print $tab in the callback, I get Array as output string above the actual content (WP_Screen is an object). I tried dumping all parts of the array without any result (white screen, no error).


2 Answers 2


Ok. The answer is NOT simple, but after some try and error, reading core, etc. I found out what the problem is:

The callback (which should be used instead of the content) accepts two arguments: $current_screen and $tab.

Here's what $tab looks like, when dumped for a single tab.

    [title] => TEST ME
    [id] => EXAMPLE_A
    [content] => 
    [callback] => Array
            [0] => dmb_help Object
                    [tabs] => Array
                            [EXAMPLE_A] => Array
                                    [title] => TEST ME
                                    [content] => FOO

                            [EXAMPLE_B] => Array
                                    [title] => TEST ME ALSO
                                    [content] => BAR



            [1] => prepare


IMPORTANT INFO: You're not!! (never ever anyhow) allowed to use spaces inside an id-string. Then you can get the actual content from the object:

public function prepare( $screen, $tab )
             $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content']

You should drop content in the input array completely (until you don't want to add some repeating content when looping through multiple help tabs).

Final working example:

Here's the working text case as plugin.

 * Plugin Name: Help Tab Test Case
 * Plugin URI:  http://unserkaiser.com
 * Description: Add Help Tab test case
class example_help
    public $tabs = array(
        // The assoc key represents the ID
        // It is NOT allowed to contain spaces
         'EXAMPLE' => array(
             'title'   => 'TEST ME!'
            ,'content' => 'FOO'

    static public function init()
        $class = __CLASS__ ;
        new $class;

    public function __construct()
        add_action( "load-{$GLOBALS['pagenow']}", array( $this, 'add_tabs' ), 20 );

    public function add_tabs()
        foreach ( $this->tabs as $id => $data )
            get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array(
                 'id'       => $id
                ,'title'    => __( $data['title'], 'some_textdomain' )
                // Use the content only if you want to add something
                // static on every help tab. Example: Another title inside the tab
                ,'content'  => '<p>Some stuff that stays above every help text</p>'
                ,'callback' => array( $this, 'prepare' )
            ) );

    public function prepare( $screen, $tab )
                     $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content']
// Always add help tabs during "load-{$GLOBALS['pagenow'}".
// There're some edge cases, as for example on reading options screen, your
// Help Tabs get loaded before the built in tabs. This seems to be a core error.
add_action( 'load-post.php', array( 'example_help', 'init' ) );
add_action( 'load-post-new.php', array( 'example_help', 'init' ) );

If you don't know how many or what kind of arguments reach your callback, try this two usefull php functions:




The first one shows you how many arguments are send. The second gives you an array with the arguments.

public function prepare(){

   echo 'Number of arguments: ' . $func_num_args();
   echo 'Arguments:';
   var_dump( func_get_args() );

  • The really painful thing was to find out, that I need $tab['callback'][0]->tabs[ $tab['id'] ]['content'], to get the actual content.
    – kaiser
    Commented May 30, 2012 at 9:31

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