I've created a standard page with a top level menu using add_menu_page() and I want to turn that page into a bespoke dashboard, ie to have a number of boxes like the dashboard widgets using something like wp_add_dashboard_widget(). I cannot find any documentation that even suggests this is possible and I've looked into creating dashboards widgets and then doing something like
global $wp_meta_boxes;
$my_widget = $wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['normal']['core']['example_dashboard_widget'];
$wp_meta_boxes[$my_dashboard]['normal']['core']['example_dashboard_widget'] = $my_widget;
where $my_dashboard has variously been a $hook from $hook=add_menu_page() and the page slug etc, but it hasn't worked. As you can tell, I'm shooting in the dark here but this functionality would be very useful to me. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Edit: I've found the answer to my own question here