I'm stuck, and haven't been able to find an answer after much searching.
I need to modify the User Admin Panel showing the list of users and the number of posts. I have custom posts (type = 'articles') I, so the default 'posts' only shows zero.
I thought I might be able to change the standard posts count to include my articles, but couldn't find a way. Instead I've added a new column.
I can populate my new column with the proper count of articles. I also have that number linking to the list of articles by that author.
The only thing I cannot figure out is how to sort the column. I've tried every way I could find or think of. I'm just not that deep into WordPress or SQL.
I'm using the following filters.
// add the new column
add_filter( 'manage_users_columns', 'my_users_articles_column' );
function my_users_articles_column( $columns ) {
$columns['articles_count'] = 'Count';
return $columns;
// get the value for each row
add_filter( 'manage_users_custom_column', 'my_users_articles_column_value', 10, 3 );
function my_users_articles_column_value( $value, $column_name, $id ) {
if ( $column_name == 'articles_count' ) {
$count = count_user_posts($id, 'articles');
$link = '<a href="/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=articles&author=' . $id . '">' . $count . '</a>';
$return = ($count > 0) ? $link : $count;
return $return;
// make the column sortable
add_filter( 'manage_users_sortable_columns', 'my_articles_count_column_sortable' );
function my_articles_count_column_sortable( $columns ) {
$columns['articles_count'] = 'articles_count';
return $columns;
So, after the basic code above, I have the new column for the count of all articles for each author. And it's clickable to trigger a sort, but it's sorting based on the author's name (the first column) not my article count.
I cannot find a way to get this column to sort. Filters/hooks I've tried include 'pre_get_users', 'pre_user_query', 'request', and others. Not sure which is the right filter. But I don't think I have the right sorting method regardless.
The column isn't a meta field. It's populated from a query. I tried something typical, as below, but this doesn't work.
add_filter('pre_get_users', 'my_pre_get_users');
function my_pre_get_users( $vars ) {
if ( 'article_count' == $vars['orderby'] ) {
$vars['meta_key'] = 'article_count';
$vars['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';
return $vars;
At this point, I could only guess I need to JOIN tables, but that's getting beyond my coding skills. I would continue hacking on this forever at this point.
I've followed answers in several articles such as:
, but I think I see a way for a workaround. Trying it out.