You can create your own shortcode which will hold all of that for you hardcoded:
function my_five_forms_handler($atts,$content =null){
$con = "[frm-entry-delete-link id=9 page_id=25 field_key=hsn108]
[frm-entry-delete-link id=12 page_id=25 field_key=cp7pi]
[frm-entry-delete-link id=13 page_id=25 field_key=ksa9qv]
[frm-entry-delete-link id=14 page_id=25 field_key=9zuf6o]
[frm-entry-delete-link id=15 page_id=25 field_key=w8w7op]";
return do_shortcode($con);
// and use it like this:
or create a shortcode that will render all forms dynamicly
function my_n_forms_handler($atts,$content=null){
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'id_page_key' => '',
), $atts ) );
$con = '';
foreach((array)$id_page_key as $f){
$f = split(":",$f);
$con .= ' [frm-entry-delete-link id="'.$f[0].'" page_id="'.$f[1].'" field_key="'.$f[2].'"]';
return do_shortcode($con);
//and you use it like this:
[my_n_forms id_page_key="12:25:hsn108,13:25:cp7pi"]