I am seeking some help with Custom Post Types using Advanced Custom Fields Pro.
I have created a Custom Post Type (headphones) and enabled "Hierarchical" as explained here: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/registering-a-custom-post-type/.
I have also created a "Headphones" Page with the URL website.com/headphones/. When I create a new "Headphones" post for "Sony XM5" as an example, the URL is website.com/headphones/sony-xm5/. This is correct as the parent Page is website.com/headphones/.
What I would like to do is create a child post under website.com/headphones/sony-xm5/ so that if I create a post about "Sony XM5 Maintenance", then the URL would be website.com/ headphones/sony-xm5/maintenance/.
When I create a new Post, I don’t see an option to select a parent Post which exists if I create a Page. How do I achieve the above so that there is a hierarchy within the Custom Post Type which I enabled when creating the CPT using ACF?
Note, I am not using categories or taxonomies.
Thank you