I have written a custom walker that I am using with wp_nav_menu
but I need to iterate through 4 custom classes, and I'm not sure how to do this. Basically, each menu-item <li>
needs to be given a class of color1
, color2
, color3
or color4
, cycling back to color1
, lather, rinse, repeat, in that order.
Ordinarily I would do this with a $i
and a $i++
, but how do I do this in the Walker class?
EDIT: My Walker class code:
class Salamander_Advent_Walker extends Walker_page {
function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) {
if ( $depth ) {
$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
} else {
$indent = '';
$advent_thumbnail = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'advent-thumb', true);
$advent_slug = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'advent-slug', true);
$advent_oneliner = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'advent-oneliner', true);
//$description = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'advent-thumb', true);
$output .= $indent . '
<li class="active color4">
<a href="#day'. $advent_slug .'">
<span class="day">
<strong>'. $advent_slug .'</strong>
<span> </span>
<span class="content">
<small>'. $advent_slug .'</small>
<img src='. $advent_thumbnail .' width="126" height="91" alt="advent" />
<strong>'. $advent_oneliner .'</strong>