My site is set to immediately login a user after they register. I'm writing a plug-in which needs to fire wherever a user logs in.

If I order the wp_login hook, will this fire at user registration (which includes logging in)? Unfortunately the ref pages don't say anything specifically about this: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/wp_login/

I know I can use the registration hook but prefer to avoid using extra how if I can help it. Is wp_login won't fire in above case, would wp_authenticate fire?

1 Answer 1


no, new user registration wont fire the wp_login by default. the only action hook that fire for new user registration is user_register.

But since you are auto logging user after registration, you should provide on how you achived this, if you are using a plugin for auto login, this depends if they call do_action('wp_logn', .........)

if you manually doing it on functions.php via user_register hook, then execute the do_action('wp_logn', .........)

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