So this is what I have done for my homepage so I load css that only loads on my homepage

    function enqueue_frontend_assets(){
    if(is_page_template( 'homepage.php')) {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'homepage',  get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/css/homepage.css' );

And it works just fine and only loads on the homepage.

I am trying to load the exact same file for my custom taxonomy page but it doesn't load.

    function enqueue_frontend_assets(){
    if(is_page_template( 'taxonomy-state.php')) {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'homepage',  get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/css/homepage.css' );

What should I use instead to make sure it loads on all the custom taxonomy pages?

1 Answer 1


Instead of checking against the template, you should use is_tax() which is one of the conditional tags in WordPress.

So in your function, you just need to use is_tax( 'state' ) in place of is_page_template( 'taxonomy-state.php'), and your asset would only be loaded on the archive page for your custom state taxonomy.

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