I am new to Wordpress and php coding.
We are moving from a different container system to wordpress and to keep the links intact I need to prepend /blog to all post articles.
I tried it through the individual permalink using https://www.example.com/blog/%postname%/
It works nicely for the post articles, but I realized that it seems to also impact i.e. custom layouts from Astra, making the following url: https://www.example.com/blog/astra-advanced-hook/12345
Although I am not sure this is an issue, but being an orderly person I really don't like such a strange URL convention.
So I searched the net and found the following reply from Zeth and Chaoste Change permalinks for post type 'post' only
function wp1482371_custom_post_type_args( $args, $post_type ) {
if ( $post_type == "post" ) {
$args['rewrite'] = array(
'slug' => 'blog'
return $args;
add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', 'wp1482371_custom_post_type_args', 20, 2 );
function my_change_post_link($permalink, $post, $leavename) {
if (get_post_type($post) == 'post') {
return "/blog" . $permalink; }
return $permalink;
add_filter('pre_post_link', 'my_change_post_link', 10, 3);
I went on and created a child theme, posted the above to function php and it is working (when I posted just the first function and add_filter, there didn't seem to be any change). But being an inquisitive person, I would really like to know what exactly this is doing?
I guess add_filter is what triggers the function when some action happens. The if checks if it is the post type.
- But what does the first function do and what does the second one do?
- Why do I need both functions?
Thank you for helping me learn!