Trying to get this table to sort by default by "publish_date" Where can I add it?

    $transaction_params = array(
                              'posts_per_page' => $page_size,
                              'post_type' => 'realadv_transaction',
                              'post_status' => 'publish',
                              'exclude' => $used_transactions,
                              'suppress_filters' => false,
                              'tax_query' => array(
                                  'taxonomy' => 'realadv_transaction_type',
                                  'field' => 'term_id',
                                  'terms' => $group['transaction_groups_types']->term_id,

1 Answer 1


You can sort this by adding

'orderby' => 'date', 
'order' => 'DESC',

into the $transaction_params array. and if not working change

'suppress_filters' => true,

See reference: here

Thank you.

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