I'm building a website pro-bono for a friend searcher and making a template for 280 pages which will have the same structure as we want to be able to modify it in 1 place.

I do this with elementor template builder. In this template, I query several blocs of grid contents from different post types and it will display them depending on a common category.

For CPT, it's easy. I shared the native post category with ACF into the Page Type + into all my CPT, then I query dynamically the id into the post grids with Crocoblocks plugin.

The logic is id of the page = id of the posts/custom posts

But, I have a pdf flipbook plugin Dearflip which has already a shortcode to display a nice grid and I don't want to loose its functions like opening the flipbook in a modal. It's a CPT with posts and categories.

I don't code myself, so I'd be happy if you can help me.

1/ I need dflip_category from this plugin to share the same post category terms like the others CPT so my page category checked can show the right contents dynamically.

2/ I need to find a way to put the shortcode in the template with a dynamic id coming from the page category as it will be the same id. So I'm looking for a way to inject the page id dynamically into the shortcode.

The shortcode grid is like this [dflip books="slug"] and I'd like something like this [dflip books="{insert_page_category_slug}"] [/dflip]

Any help with the correct code would be awesome! I've been searching everywhere how to do it. It's out of my league.

Dearflip plugin CPT name : dflip taxonomy: dflip_category my Page (ACF) taxonomy : cat_id

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

1 Answer 1


The solution for now is : create a plugin re-creating the shortcode with the current page slug. Naming the page slug like the category slug. And manually add the category to dflip.

Couldn't find better so far.

// Disable direct access
defined('ABSPATH') or die('No script kiddies please!');

// use page slug to call dflip book in same slug dflip_category
add_shortcode('dflip_book_slug', 'shortcode_dflip_book_slug');
function shortcode_dflip_book_slug($atts = array(), $content = '', $tag)
    global $post;

    // default parameters (but filtered, only declared ones are passed)
    // $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
    //   'books' => $post->post_name
    // ), $atts, $tag);

    $atts = is_array($atts) ? $atts : array();

    if (array_key_exists('books', $atts)) {
        $atts['books'] = str_replace('%slug%', $post->post_name, $atts['books']);
    } else {
        // par défaut on passe le slug
        $atts['books'] = $post->post_name;

    $atts_str = array();
    foreach ($atts as $key => $value) {
        $atts_str[] = $key . '="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $value) . '"';

    $shortcode = '[dflip ' . implode(' ', $atts_str) . ']' . $content . '[/dflip]';
    return do_shortcode($shortcode);

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