On a site I'm designing (business site versus blog - static homepage, etc.) for a client I have 7 different top -level product/service pages which have the same layout except for a graphic that stretches across the top, below the horizontal navbar and above the page content. Everything up to and including the navbar will end up in the header.php.
I would like the graphic to be in the page template as opposed to being part of the page content that the clients could access via the TineMCE editor. I don't want to have to create 7 page templates just for different top graphics. Does that make sense?
I've come a long way with WP; I'm pretty solid with HTML and CSS but am a cutter/paster when I get to php, but I'm thinking I might be able to put some kind of if/then call in the page template basically saying "if service page, use servicehead.jpg; if customersupport page, use customerhead.jpg," etc.
Is this possible?
If so, could someone tell me how I would write the call?
Here is my current page.php code:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="pagebg">
<div id="pageheads">
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/customerhead.jpg"
alt="" height="120" width="1020" border="0" /></div>
<div id="colL">
After the colL div I have the loop and then I call a sidebar and the footer.
I'm thinking I would put a call in the pageheads div?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!