I'm struggling a bit with the permalinks on yearly archives for a custom post type.
I'm using wp_get_archives
to get a list of the yearly archives but the url for these comes out as follows:
I would like the urls to match this pattern:
I followed the example in this answer but the urls are still outputed as in my first example.
public function urlRewrites(){
I also tried the solution mentioned here. This one changes the urls I get from wp_get_archives
but they return 404s and has a trailing querystring.
Example code:
public function urlRewritesAgain(){
global $wp_rewrite;
$wp_rewrite->date_structure = 'reports/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%';
I am resaving my permalinks each time and I am hooking on to init
. Am I doing something massively wrong here? Is there a better solution I should be using?