I want to change the HTML output of the latest-posts block (i.e.: wrap the date inside the post link).

I know I can hook into 'blocks.getSaveElement' and retrieve stuff like the element, blockType and attributes.

But none of this is helpful as this block is rendered in the front-end via php. Is the only way to manipulate the markup to create a custom block and copying the core block files? That seems unintuitive and too much work for swapping two tags. And just writing JS to manipulate the front-end is not an option (might make elements jump around).

Any ideas on how to achieve this in any better way?

  • Have you looked into the render_block filter? Did a quick look through the sources, seems like this is the best option. Though you'd have to manually alter the HTML there.
    – kero
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 11:44
  • I tried that as well. It also does return only the attributes which I could also retrieve via the getSaveElement filter. And one does not have access to the inner <li> elements attributes with render_block.
    – Unfu
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 12:46
  • Doesn't render_block (the PHP filter) return the entire HTML? Per the source code it should have the $block_content which is the result of the render method of the individual block
    – kero
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 12:55
  • Not in this case, it only returns the latest-posts outer block. So there is no way of accessing the inner list elements. Also the "innerHTML" attribute is empty.
    – Unfu
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 13:10

1 Answer 1


The render_block filter works for this - I just tested on a fresh install. However, you'll have to use the final HTML, so it gets a bit ugly.

The following code will copy the first <a> tag and wrap the copy around each <time> tag in the list.

\add_filter('render_block', function($content, $parsed): string {
        // skip other blocks
        if ($parsed['blockName'] !== 'core/latest-posts') {
                return $content;

        // skip latest posts that don't display the date
        if (empty($parsed['attrs']['displayPostDate']) || !$parsed['attrs']['displayPostDate']) {
                return $content;

        $dom = new \DomDocument();
        // parse the HTML, the @ is required because DomDocument
        // doesn't know about HTML5's <time>

        // get each individual post
        foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('li') as $entry) {
                $links = $entry->getElementsByTagName('a');
                if ($links->count() === 0) {

                foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagName('time') as $time) {
                        // clone the first <a>
                        $link = $links->item(0)->cloneNode();
                        // wrap the <time> around that <a>
                        $time->parentNode->replaceChild($link, $time);

        // $dom->saveHTML() returns false on error
        $newContent = $dom->saveHTML();
        if ($newContent !== false) {
            return $newContent;

        return $content;
}, 10, 2);

However, this does not alter the output inside the editor. Since the block is purely rendered in React nowadays, you'd have to use some of the editor filters for that.

  • 1
    Thank you! It does work, but it is indeed ugly. That shouldn't be the way to handle stuff like that, but I didn't find any other "official" way of doing it. It might be easier to use the wp.data import to grab the entries one needs in a custom block.
    – Unfu
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 15:22
  • @Unfu I've digged throug the server side code so far and don't think there is a better way. It's been a while since I've worked with the client side filters, but that is out of scope here anyways. And yes, creating a new block is of course always an option - I too have resorted to it when realizing changing core blocks is too troublesome
    – kero
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 15:33

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